Monday, August 31, 2009

notes from a seminar

It was a great seminar, designed to boost our creativity.
Brilliant ideas, tons of interactive fun, loads of chocolate biscuits during intervals - the lot.
I could elaborate on this, but it wouldn't make an exciting blog entry, would it?
The LEGS on the other hand might do.
Yes, legs.
And here is the connection:
The seminar atmosphere was delightfully relaxed.
Dress code didn't apply.
Fair enough. For us, struggling artists, "haute couture" may as well not exist. Besides, creative use of op-shops is much more fun.
Likewise a formal sitting mode didn't apply either, thank God.
That's where we come to the LEGS part.
Due to my staring obsession, I had a time of my life observing my fellow students ... from the waist down, so to speak. The landscape beneath those table tops.
What do we actually do with our legs, while our bums are firmly planted in one place for a few hours? Does taking the shoes off or wrapping our limbs any which way around chair legs help us to concentrate? You bet.

Here, see the evidence above.
A word of caution here: all similarities to real participants of the seminar are not exactly truthful, certainly not intentional. So, please don't rush to the next Devonport seminar, looking for your favourite pair of pins.
And yes, we had a lot of fun during those three days, as I'm sure you can see.
But we also left with plenty of new ideas in our heads and plenty of notes (and sketches) in our diaries.
The only thing I can't remember in fact, is what MY legs were doing, tucked underneath the table for three days.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting and unique perspective. Sounds like you had fun! : )
