Friday, October 30, 2009

summer? what summer?

Labour Weekend.
We are supposed to be celebrating summer.
I thought a dip would be an appropriate way to honour my favourite time of the year. After all we usually start our swimming season mid-September.
So I squeezed myself into my good old swimsuit and rushed into those tempting waves.
I bravely tip-toed in, up to my ankles, a bit deeper, surprised by the impression of liquid ice lapping around my freshly shaved legs ...
Then, when my knees started to freeze solidly I suddenly remembered:

I'll keep you posted. It won't be long. I hope.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Anna's shoes

Our daughter has always been very tall.
Some years ago, when she grew wildly tall and her feet eagerly followed, it became very difficult to find some nice, feminine shoes to accomodate her "flippers".
A major drama for a teenager, believe me.
So, when I visited Poland I found there a shoemaker, who crafted for me a pair of beautiful slippers, size thirteen.
This is what happened when I presented those shoes to my lovely Girl upon my return.

Friday, October 2, 2009

passion for fashion

Another Fashion Week has ended.
I've been around long enough to watch with amazement how this phenomenon of trends and tastes turns a full circle.

I've been TWICE through:
mini skirts, shift dresses, floor-lenght maxis, flared pants, leggings, gypsy skirts, frills and bows, distressed denim, jump suits, hideous, shiny, plastic boots, platforms, stilletoes, espadrilles, high-waisters, hipsters, polka-dot bikinis, back-combing, ponytails, enormous sunnies ... wow!

How come it all returned so quickly!?
Well, next time those trends are hot, I probably won't dare to have a go.
So, let's party, while we can.
Here is to passion for fashion!!!

Want to bet what's next on our fashion horizon?
Shoulder pads and floral pant suits. I know, I've checked in my attic.
Watch this space.